SUBSCRIBE to the channel @LyubovnieKacheli This time the editorial board of the women's weekly "XXS" was not boring. They did not discuss the cover, the layout or the horoscope page. Serious passions flared up around the topic of the November issue: "What do men want?" Three sharks took part in the fight - the three main authors of the magazine: Liza Pakhomova ("smart girl"), Veronika Lanskaya ("beauty") and Olya Pyshnenko ("darling"). Liza advocated intellectual compliance with the high demands of a modern man: in her opinion, witty, brilliant women with a wide range of interests enjoy success today. Veronika expertly assured that it would take her fifteen minutes to steal a man even from a Nobel laureate - it is enough to put on stilettos and lightly paint her lips. Olya said that they could at least fight for men's attention - yes, they would be invited on dates... but men would marry people like her: cozy, sweet, homely. In the end, editor-in-chief Mikhail Mikhailovich Ilyin slammed his fist on the table: "Enough empty words, go and prove it! I'll be waiting for you here in a month: whoever gets more marriage proposals will write the main article." However, the director has his own answer to the question: "What do men want?" For the sake of purity of the experiment, he wrote it right there, at the editorial board meeting, and sealed the envelope. In a month, we'll check whether he guessed right or not.