The Fake Bully is a Turkish movie directed by Natuk Baytan, starring Kemal Sunal, and written by Suavi Sualp. The producer of the movie is Yahya Kılıç. ???? Watch The Fake Bully Full Movie ► • The Fake Bully Turkish Movie RESTORASY... ???? Watch The Fake Bully Scenes ► https://bit.ly/41wfPmd #sahtekabadayı #kemalsunal #turkishmovie The actors of the Fake Bully movie; Kemal Sunal, Kazım Kartal, Suna Selen, Mümtaz Ener, Yavuz Selekman, Hasan Ceylan, Yusuf Çağatay, Hakkı Kıvanç, İbrahim Kurt, Yusuf Sezer, Baki Tamer, Erdoğan Seren, Yılmaz Kurt, Tefvik Şen, Osman Han, Ata Saka, Abidin Görsev, Yadigar Ejder, Yüksel Gözen, Kenan Karagöz, Ferhat Ünal, İhsan Bayraktar, Muzaffer Civan, Niyazi Gökdere, Mustafa Yavuz, Yaşar Şener, Cevdet Balıkçı, Yusuf Çetin, Coşkun Göğen, Ekrem Gökkaya, Zeki Sezer, Taci Saraç, Arap Celal. The subject of the movie Sahte Kabadayı; Kemal, the son of a mafia father, sells penny pinchers at train stations without knowing that his father is a mafia father. Naive and not very bright, Kemal also challenges everyone who comes his way. After his father is killed by a man named Muhtar during a job interview, his father's inheritance is divided. His father's right-hand man, the lawyer, reaches Kemal and explains the situation. Thanks to the lawyer, he visits the most famous bullies of Istanbul one by one to get his father's inheritance back and starts to make a name for himself as Kemal, the son of Baba. He takes the Mukhtar with him without knowing that he is his father's murderer. The Mukhtar starts to make plans to trap him every time, but Kemal always manages to escape the traps because of his naivety and stupidity and the events develop. ✅ Don't forget to follow us on our social media accounts! ✔️To subscribe to our channel; https://bit.ly/3EIo6cH ✔️Our website; https://bit.ly/2F0IiXy ✔️Facebook: / gulsahfilmresmi ✔️Instagram: / gulsahfilm