In the 4th episode of our own Gökkubbemesi, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kalın begins the conversation by opening up the relationship between belief and reason. And he explains what exactly Zevk-i Selim means. He explains with examples the understanding of art in our civilization, what the artist produces with which motivation, and how the works of art produced in the world cannot be separated from each other. And he also answers some basic questions. So what are those questions? ????What was Hz. Ibrahim's request from Allah (cc)? ????How did Hz. Ibrahim reject the idols? ????Will man's search be with reason? ????Does believing send the mind on vacation? ????What does zevki selim mean? ????What does the universality of art mean? ????What do the artists of our civilization have in common? ????What does the station of ihsan mean? ????Picasso's admiration for calligraphy and what he said… ????What does it mean that every creation has a wisdom? ????How possible is it to separate the works of artists from each other? Come, Let's Walk Together... #ibrahimkalın #ourownskydome #mymecra ???? Don't Forget to Subscribe to our Channel: http://bit.ly/BeraberYuruyelim MyMecra's other playlists: ????What is the Topic? - Uğur Işılak & Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/KonuNedir ????Say Your Trouble Hayati İnanç: https://bit.ly/DerdiniSoyle ????Our Own Sky İbrahim Kalın: https://bit.ly/İbrahimKalin ????Listen to What Ömer Tuğrul İnançer: https://bit.ly/DinleNeyden ????Success Requires a Price Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/BasariBedelIster ????Road Map Yusuf Kaplan: https://bit.ly/YusufKaplan ????Someone One Day Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/BiriBirGun ????There Is A Matter Serdar Tuncer & Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/BiMeseleVar ????I Climbed The Plum Branch Ahmet Özhan: https://bit.ly/CiktimErikDalina ????Son33 Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/SON33 ????Out of the Blue: https://bit.ly/CatKapi ????Glances Bertan Rona: https://bit.ly/Bakislar ????Teknosapien: https://bit.ly/Teknosapien You can follow us on our social media addresses below ???? Facebook: / mymecra ???? İnstagram: / mymecra ???? Twitter: / mymecra ???? Website: http://mymecra.com/ Platforms where you can follow our programs as PODCAST: ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Oz7kuV... ???? Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mymecra ???? Google Podcast: http://bit.ly/MymecraPodcast