Fairy tale to listen to for children - Christmas Town Come with us on a journey to a charming town with a truly Christmas atmosphere. Let's see how beautifully it is decorated, what is happening in the shop windows, how the residents prepare for this most important day of the year and how much snow has fallen!!! Where will this journey end? Who will we meet? And what is most important at Christmas? We invite you to listen to the fairy tale :) #fairy taleforchildren #fairy talesforchildren #empathy #children #fairy taleinPolish #emotions #fairy talegoodnight #holidays #audio play #audio playforchildren #audiobookforchildren #fairy tale #fairy tales Table of contents 0:00 - Introduction 1:17 - Breathing exercises 1:49 - Bubble flight 5:44 - In the town 12:40 - In the mountain cottage 20:15 - Time to sleep ______ ???? Moon Stories app with over 24 fairy tales for children to listen to - https://www.moonstories.pl ???? Go to our Facebook - / moonstoriespl ???? Go to our Instagram - / moonstories.pl