Hello, dear friends of Pocket Radio, in this video, I want to talk about a series of Iranian people in America who worked hard for years, not to succeed, but to prove to you that they are successful!!! And if you come to see America and the reality of their lives, their hardships will be reduced to nothing. These are the first phase of years of telling everyone that America is good and that we are successful people!!! Or America, but we are smart and we succeeded!!! In the second phase, after you want him to come to America, they will panic that their lies will be revealed and they will start saying that he should not come to America! If I come and then you are satisfied, these people will tell you to compensate for their own failures, because you are miserable and poor, you like America! In summary, these types of parasites need to be carefully studied and this video is part of this flow. #cheap_immigration #emigration_to_america ##American_lottery