In modern life, pressure is inevitable, from work, study to family and relationships. Instead of avoiding it, learn to face and overcome it to turn pressure into motivation. #FacePressure #ThomasEdison #PositiveThinking #MindsetPositive #ReduceStress #HowToOvercomePressure #PositiveLife #MotivationForLife #OvercomeStress #FacePressure #StressRelief #StayPositive #MentalStrength Welcome to mindset.positive, a place to inspire life and spread community values. The mindset.positive channel is not simply a place for entertainment but also a source of motivation to help you find faith and strength in life. At mindset.positive, we create educational and inspirational videos, from stories about silent heroes to beautiful actions and life lessons. Each video is invested in spraying techniques to bring you great and meaningful experiences. Do not stop at watching videos, thinking. positive, encourage you to participate in social activities such as charity projects, environmental protection and helping difficult circumstances. Every small action of yours contributes to building a better community. Click the subscribe button to the mindset.positive channel today to not miss any videos. Thank you for your support and companionship! #TruyenCamHung #GiaTriCongDong #tưỷ.tích trong #SongYeuThương #HoatDongXaHoi #GopPhanXayDung #mindset.positive