Facial pain is most often associated with trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is not a toothache, although it is just as excruciating, but sometimes such people have their teeth removed by mistake, and the pain does not go away. What is the difference between trigeminal neuralgia and other pains, what are its characteristic signs and common causes? This is discussed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Center for the Treatment of Headaches and Facial Pain in Yekaterinburg Elena Razumovna Lebedeva. An appointment with a neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elena Razumovna Lebedeva for a consultation is carried out by phone +7 343 295 15 23 Reception is conducted in Yekaterinburg at the International Medical Center "Europe-Asia", as well as via Skype for out-of-town patients Clinic website: http://europeasia.ru/spealists/nevrolog/ Instagram: / europeasia_headache_centre Channel Dr. Elena Lebedeva: / @drelenalebedeva