How to paint leaves for flowers. On this occasion I teach them how to paint any type of flower on canvas, using textile paint in the following colors: Apple green, pine green, pistachio green, olive green, sepia, ivory, oil blue and white. Start painting on canvas is very easy you just have to practice a lot, start now. On this occasion, I taught you how to paint on canvas any type of flower, using textile paint in the following colors: Manzana green, pine green, pistachio green, olive green, sepia, ivory, petroleum blue and white. Empowerment painting on canvas is very easy if you have a lot of practice, do it yourself. On this occasion, I teach them to paint on canvas sheets for any type of flower, using textile paint in the following colors: Apple green, pine green, pistachio green, olive green, sepia, ivory, oil blue and white. Starting to paint on canvas is very easy, you just have to practice a lot, start now. #painting #screenpainting #tissuepainting