This one's for those who love Christmas: let's decorate your front door with a handmade wreath made of fabric? The wreath, traditionally made with branches, leaves and flowers, has a long history - from the Romans who gave each other gifts with wishes of health and good luck, to the Christians who await the arrival of Christmas with decorated doors. In this episode - the last in the series #ArtesanatoComoFonteDeRenda (aaaah!), Tati and Wagner, from Ateliê Fon Fin Fan, teach you how to make a fabric wreath, whether for your own home or to sell your art. Press play to learn. :) Tip: in addition to this class, the series #ArtesanatoComoFonteDeRenda has episodes that teach you how to make plant holders with bookmarks, necklaces and fabric gift wrap. Access and watch whenever you want: • Playlist #SescInterlagosEmCasa #artesanato #façavocêmesmo #DIY