My dear friends; Today in Ülkenin Türküleri, I am sharing with you our song called “Gözleri Fettan Güzel” sung by İlhan Akdeniz and my song called “Dersim Dört Dağ İçinde” and Mehmet Can PELİKOĞLU “Kayalar Kölgelendi”. I would like to thank our valuable artist İlhan Akdeniz and Mehmet Can PELİKOĞLU who accompanied me in this song and also my valuable saz friends. We continue to receive your request songs, you can send them to me from my social media accounts before the program. See you every Saturday at 22:00 on Ülke TV. You can reach the songs we sing and other works by subscribing to my Youtube channel. I Wish You Healthy Days. Twitter: / kanuniturgay Facebook: / tgcoskun Instagram: / kanuniturgaycoskun #turgaycoşkun #gözlerifettangüzel #dersimdörtdağiçin #ilhanakdeniz #saz #ülkenintürküleri ülketv