Welcome to the official channel of Dr. Diaa Abdeen ((Consultant of Ophthalmology, Eyelid Surgery, Cataracts and Vision Correction)) To communicate with the doctor's clinic via our WhatsApp number ???? 01001111345 or by phone to book and check up at the clinic via our numbers ???? 01096651095 - 01096651099 Clinic address: 12 Boutros Ghali Street ((Ramses Center Tower)) - Roxy - Heliopolis - Cairo - Ninth floor Or the location ???? https://maps.app.goo.gl/ULWphvasdJU9r... Clinic hours: ((Saturday)) from 11 am to 2 pm ((Sunday and Wednesday)) from 6: 9 pm And finally, we hope that you follow us on our official pages on social media and subscribe to our official channel on YouTube to watch the rest of Dr. Diaa's educational videos in ((The World of Ophthalmology)) ❤️???? Facebook ???? / dr.diaa.abdeen Instagram ???? / dr_diaa_abdeen YouTube ???? / @dr.diaa.abdeen