Hello! Today I bring you a decoration video that I hope you like. It's about an extreme makeover of my cute and tiny balcony, hehe. Sometimes balconies are the most forgotten place in our houses, we use them to hang clothes, to accumulate stuff... but after these weeks we have realized the importance of having a little corner, however small it may be, where we feel good and can rest outdoors. So if you are like me, and you have a small, narrow and somewhat abandoned piece of land, don't miss the video! RELATED VIDEOS Assorted decoration and organization haul - • Assorted decoration and orga... Summer super haul - • Summer super haul - Clothes, accessories... October Super Haul - • October Super Haul - Stationery, home... Ikea Haul - • Ikea Haul - Decoration, home stuff... Aliexpress super haul - • Aliexpress super haul - What to buy... Stationery and decoration super haul - • Stationery, decoration, home... PRODUCTS MENTIONED Detector - https://amzn.to/2SbvCEY Dyson V11 vacuum cleaner - https://amzn.to/3aJXuGy Flowers on the right model - https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dWk... The flowers on the left model are not available (Although I personally find the ones on the right more realistic and beautiful) To compensate, I'll leave you with another model that I have at home and I love - English: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dV7... If you liked the change, I would love to know, you can write to me through my social networks: Secondary channel - Un Café con Alma - https://goo.gl/1p1ur3 Instagram - el_mundo_de_alma - https://goo.gl/JftvKN Twitter - @canaldealma - https://goo.gl/w3vNyz Instagram of Río - rioelperrete - https://goo.gl/vupvhc The PO box so you can send me whatever you want - Alma Apartado 11027 Granada 18007 Spain !!!I love you little flowers!!! *This video is not sponsored* #elmundodealma #exteriordecoration #extremechange