You don't need to know Python for the #ENEM (yet)... However, with Python, you can learn everything that the #data reveals about this exam! Even what people are saying about the test on Twitter... Also watch: Viewing Tweets • Viewing TWEETS with Word Clouds... Text Cleaning and Pre-Processing • Text Cleaning and Processing P... Link to the file: https://github.com/programacaodinamic... Talk to us by email: [email protected] ????Subscribe to the channel to follow all the content and follow us on other networks: *Instagram: @dinamicaprogramacao @kizzy_terra @ hallpaz *Twitter: @pgdinamica @kizzyterra @hallpaz Like Programação Dinâmica on Facebook: https://fb.com/programacaodinamica Check out the articles on Python Café: https://pythoncafe.com.br #DataAnalysis #ENEM