What happens when black holes collide and merge? Could this be the beginning of the end of time? ???? In this fascinating video, we explore black hole explosions and how they challenge our understanding of space-time. Delve into the most surprising theories about the final fate of the cosmos. Aaaah! How exciting to have the Tusa at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid???????? Wednesday, November 27: https://tickets.circulobellasartes.co... And soon we'll see you in Mexico again. Viva Mexico! https://beacons.ai/cosmosmexico?fbcli... Edition: @ikefuti / ikefuti ----------------------- ???? The adventure of knowledge: https://amautas.com/ ????️ For the Love of Higgs: / porelamordehiggs ????TikTok: / jasantaolalla ???? Instagram: / jasantaolalla ⚡ Date Un Voltio: / @dateunvoltio ???? Date Un Short: / @dateunshow ???? Date Un Libro: https://bit.ly/dateunlibro #BlackHoles #Science #JavierSantaolalla #DateUnVlog