Full explanation of the VLOOKUP function How to use it to create a research system Integrating the VLOOKUP function with the IFNA function How to create a description of student grades, sales, or employee salaries using the VLOOKUP equation I hope I live up to your expectations and can provide you with even a small, simple, useful piece of information ???????????? The beginning of the Excel course #Episode_1: 10 equations that are indispensable for every beginner in Excel Lesson contents: Explanation of the LARGE function Explanation of the SMALL function Explanation of the MIN function Explanation of the MAX function Explanation of the AVERAGE function Explanation of the CANCATENATE function Explanation of the UPPER function Explanation of the PROPER function Explanation of the NOW function Explanation of the TODAY function • The 10 most important equations in Excel - Excel course... #Episode_2: Full explanation of the Count (Count Family) function Lesson contents: Explanation of the COUNT function Explanation of the COUNTA function Explanation of the COUNTBLANK function Explanation of the COUNTIF function Explanation COUNTIF Function How to use CONDITIONAL FORMATTING • Explanation of all COUNT equations in Excel - Core... #Episode_Three: Explanation of IF (IF Family) equations Lesson contents: Explanation of the IF function Explanation of the IFS function How to create a description of student grades, sales, or employee salaries using the IFS equation • A detailed explanation of the IF and IFS functions in Excel... #Episode_Four: Explanation of SUM (SUM Family) equations Lesson contents: Explanation of the SUM function Explanation of the SUMIF function Explanation of the SUMIFS function Explanation of the TRANSPOSE property • A complete explanation of the SUMIF and SUMIFS equations in... #Episode_Five: Explanation of the VLOOKUP function Lesson contents: A complete explanation of the VLOOKUP function How to use it to create a research system Merging the VLOOKUP function with the IFNA function How to create a description of student grades, sales, or employee salaries using the VLOOKUP equation • Explanation of using the vlookup Excel course for... #Episode_6 Lesson title: 10 date equations in Excel • The 10 most important date equations in Excel - Ko... Lesson content: Explaining the following equations in a practical way: 1- DATE How to form a date 2- DAY How to extract a day from a date 3- MONTH How to extract a month from a date 4- YEAR How to extract a year from a date 5- TEXT How to get the name of the day from the date 6- WEEKNUM How to get the order of the week in the year for a specific date 7- DAYS How to calculate the difference in days between two dates 8- EOMONTH How to determine the number of days in a month 9- DATEDIF How to calculate the difference between two dates by day, month, and year 10- EDATE How to determine the end date based on the start date and the number of months 11- How to combine the VLOOKUP functions with DATE 12- How to combine the EOMONTH functions with DAY #Episode_7 How to extract all data from a number National explanation of the equations LEFT RIGHT MID LEN FIND ISODD ISEVEN How to combine the following equations: - LEFT +FIND MID + FIND + LEN RIGHT + FIND + LEN IF + LEN IF + LEFT + MID IF + ISODD + MID VLOOKUP + MID CONDITIONAL FORMATTING Link to the episode on YouTube: • The 7 most important equations for texts in Excel - Ast... #Episode_Eight How to use equations to find the minimum, maximum and average Explanation of the equations MIN MINIFS MAX MAXIFS AVERAGE AVERAGEIF AVERAGEIFS Link to the episode on YouTube: • The most important equations to find the minimum and maximum... #Episode_Ninth Full explanation of the SUMPRODUCT equation How to use the SUMPRODUCT equation to perform the tasks of the following equations: SUM SUMIF SUMIFS COUNT COUNTIF COUNTIFS Link Episode on YouTube: • A full explanation of the secrets of the SUMPRODUCT equation in... #Episode_10 Lesson content: - A full explanation of the OFFSET equation Combining the OFFSET function with the MATCH function • Excel course - Episode 10 - A full explanation of... #Episode_11 Lesson content: - How to create a drop-down list with a variable field Dynamic Range Explanation of combining the INDIRECT function with the COUNTA function • Excel course - Episode 11 - A full explanation of... #Episode_12 Lesson content: - How to create a sequential drop-down list How to create a complete search system using the OFFSET function Combining the OFFSET function with the MATCH function with the COUNTIF function • Excel course - Episode 12 - A full explanation of the INDEX function and how to combine it with the MATCH function to determine the row and column number Episode link • Excel course - Episode 13 ... How to link more than one table in Excel together Explanation of the ADVANCED INDEX Merging the INDEX with MATCH with VLOOKUP Episode link • Explanation of how to link tables in Excel -... Don't forget to subs