Thank you for your hard work everyone ???? It's Sakurako! It's a July video! What the heck!!! I can't believe it's already October so please don't start school I went to Rusutsu Resort, which the people of Hokkaido love❣ The Ayanami Rei who joined me is Reito (https://x.com/reito_4023 ) He always calls her Rei-chan so it's like he's calling Ayanami Rei-chan, which is so cute isn't it!!!!!!!! The fantastic photos are by Takahashi Hatokazu (https://x.com/yoshi_10pa). Hatou-san has such great taste so they are all the best, thank you as always, truly... −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− [BGM used] Nogika Chaba (/ @nogika_chaba) −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− [SNS, mostly sakurako_kokko] Twitter (I don't want to call her X) → / sakurako_kokko TikTok → / sakurako_kokko Instagram → / sakurako_kokko