To purchase an autographed copy of my book MANUAL DE PERÍCIAS JUDICIAIS Practical guide for experts in all areas, request it via WhatsApp 11 98444-2958 by writing the word BOOK and you will receive payment instructions and delivery time. Purchasing this book will be the best investment you will make to start in the area of judicial expertise. If you prefer to purchase directly from the best bookstores in Brazil, click on the AMAZON link below: https://www.amazon.com.br/MANUAL-PER%... SYNOPSIS The academic environment does not address the topic of judicial expertise in its undergraduate courses and students are unaware of this area of activity that offers great remuneration and lacks qualified professionals. The book MANUAL DE PERÍCIAS JUDICIAIS Practical guide for experts in all areas, presents professionals who wish to start in the activity of judicial expertise the fundamental concepts and steps that they must follow to safely start in this differentiated professional area. The foundations and teachings presented in this work are the result of over 26 years of professional experience in the area of judicial and extrajudicial expertise acquired by the author and transmitted in an objective and secret-free manner. With this publication, the author establishes a definitive milestone in the teaching of the foundations of judicial expertise, offering beginner experts from the most diverse segments the knowledge necessary to enter the activity and fully perform their duties with the Judiciary. #judicialexpertisemanual #judicialexpertise #criminalexpertise #technicalgraphexpertise #engineering #architecture #medicine #accounting #psychology #diagnosticengineering #constructionpathologies