⭐️ Gift video on the 7 mistakes not to make before arranging your garden: https://action-creation.systeme.io/ca... ---------------------------- In this video you will find 5 plants (trees/shrubs and perennials), resistant to the cold to create an exotic garden atmosphere :) Tell me in the comments which one you prefer the most ;) ---------------------------- Follow me on: Instagram: vic_action_creation Facebook: Garden ideas -------------------------- #tree #shrub #perennial #cold resistant #plant #exotic garden #exotic plant #create an exotic garden exotic plant,exotic garden,create an exotic garden,frost-free plant,cold-resistant plant,plants,plant,tree,shrub,massif,exotic garden plant,palm tree,banana tree,gardening,tropical plant,tree fern,plant discovery,florida,tropical garden,cactus,yucca,dracena plant,which plant to choose garden exotic, create an exotic garden, exotic outdoor plant, cold resistant, copy/paste, which plant, exotic garden, plants to choose, maintenance, planting, exposure, soil, watering, plants, cold resistant, deciduous, evergreen, plant, climbing plant?, advice, plant to copy and paste, plant to have, flower, easy maintenance, rapid growth, method, tutorial