The city has prepared many big names for us, and many exhibitions will delight us until spring. And if you want to immediately learn about current exhibitions, I try to visit them soon after they open - subscribe to my Telegram channel. By the way, there I talk not only about the exhibitions themselves, but also about how to visit them consciously, to enjoy contact with art. And for some exhibitions I organize art meetings, and I also talk about this on the channel. Subscribe: https://t.me/anna_in_art 00:01:25 — Russian fairy tale in the Russian Museum 00:05:29 — color festival in the General Staff Building 00:09:42 — exhibition of the season in the Hermitage 00:13:25 — the world of Repin's masterpieces in MAX 00:16:23 — about the theater of the future 00:18:48 — about Sergei Kuryokhin in the palace 00:21:51 — about our smaller brothers, nice and diverse 00:25:13 — contemporary art in St. Petersburg