Occupational exposure to chemical agents is the contact between the chemical agent and the worker's body, which can occur through the respiratory tract (inhalation), dermal or ocular (contact and/or absorption). Such exposure has the potential to cause local and/or systemic damage to health. The risk of damage to health is reduced by adopting several preventive measures, including: 1. Proper use of Personal and Collective Protective Equipment (PPE/CPE): The use of certified PPE, which has the Certificate of Approval (CA) specific to the task performed, is essential to protect workers against the harmful effects of chemical agents present in the workplace. 2. Training and awareness: Continuous training of workers, focusing on the correct use of PPE and CPE, as well as on the identification and management of risks related to the handling of chemical and biological agents, is essential to ensure safety in the workplace and prevent the occurrence of accidents. These measures, when correctly implemented, contribute significantly to reducing chemical and biological risks and ensure the protection of worker health.