Be the first to watch the premiere episodes of "It Concerns Everyone" on the Inter TV channel at 6:00 PM. Extremely exhausted 11-year-old Artem was found by representatives of the children's service when they visited the Chukanov family from Poltava. According to eyewitnesses, the boy weighed no more than 10 kilograms and could not get out of bed. Artem and his younger brother were urgently removed from the family. Neighbors noticed that the family did not communicate much with anyone, but they had no idea what was happening behind closed doors. The parents of the exhausted children themselves believe that they were victims of a conspiracy by neighbors who took advantage of their family's difficult situation and planned checks, after which the children were taken from the family. Dangerous parents or victims of an undesirable neighborhood? ------------------- "It Concerns Everyone" is a television project that changes lives. "It Concerns Everyone" is a television project that changes lives. Subscribe to the channel "Касается чеговского" on YouTube - / telecastsk "Касается чеговской" on Facebook - / inter.sk Subscribe to the channel of Andrei Danilevich on YouTube - / @andriydanilevych Official page of Andrey Danilevich - / andriydanilevich Subscribe to the "Inter" channel on YouTube - / intertvua Official page of "Inter" on Facebook - / inter.ua Website of the "Inter" TV channel - https://inter.ua/ru/