Useful exercises to help you control cholesterol, together with a proper diet and daily cardio training (at least two of my videos Cardio Exercises or Postural Yoga, depending on your level of training). Help me spread Wellness... make a Donation: IBAN Silva Iotti IT14H0307501603CC8002352289 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/silva... Here is the link to participate in my YOGA FLOW COURSE (suitable for everyone) https://www.lezionisilva.com/ (long lessons like in the gym, always at your disposal!) For info to purchase my CHAKRA COURSE https://www.corsochakra.com/ For info to purchase my POSTURAL YOGA COURSE https://www.silvayoga.it/corso/ Remember to SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL / @silvaiotti My new Book: Odaka Yoga and Mindfulness, kindle format: 🌸💫https://amzn.to/2PithGs 🌸💫BOOK The Conscious Use of the Mind kindle format: 🌸💫https://amzn.to/3hW2iN5 💫Website: http://www.silvayoga.it/ 💫Facebook: / yogashiatsureggioemilia ✨Instagram: / silvaiotti 💫Youtube: / @silvaiotti #Tonificazione #Gambe #Glutei ------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Silva Iotti nor anyone associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post. #yoga #gambeeglutei #mindfulness #pilates #silvayoga #silvaiotti #ginnasticadolce Video edited by @Lifeszu