This exercise guide is aimed at those people who suffer from RHYZARTHROSIS (arthrosis of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first finger or thumb). This pathology causes pain, functional disability and limitation when performing any activity with the hand. It can be very limiting. As we tell you in any video, this is nothing more than an exercise guide. Ideally, you should go to your trusted Physiotherapist to prescribe a personalized treatment 😉. In addition to all the above, we show you a guide with everything you need to know about this injury; https://www.fisiodual.com/noticias/ri... Finally, we remind you of our social networks to follow all our news (new videos, blog entries, draws, promotions ...) FOLLOW US !! Our website: https://www.fisiodual.com/ More videos on Youtube: / @fisiodual Twitter: https://twitter.com/fisiodual?lang=es Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clinica_fis... Facebook: / fisiodual