Game Over Movie --------- The movie revolves around a comedic framework, about the arrogant and domineering broadcaster, Liqa (Yousra), who only cares about her beauty and appearance, but after a while she leaves her job for the sake of her son, Amr (Mohamed Nour), who insists on marrying his lover, Nada (Mai Ezz El-Din), who works as a waitress in a hotel, and who does not get along with her easily, and from here begins a conflict between Liqa and Nada in an interesting comic framework. -------- Directed by: Ahmed El-Badry (Director) Mohamed Askalany (Assistant Director) Written by: Mohamed El-Qawashti (Screenplay and Dialogue) Mustafa Ammar (Screenplay and Dialogue) Cast: Yousra, Mai Ezz El-Din, Ezzat Abu Auf, Mohamed Nour, Osha, Iman El-Sayed