Special talk show Tanpa Prejudis hosted by Syahril A. Kadir IN 2017, a former police officer from the Serious Crime Investigation Division (D9) of Bukit Aman, Assistant Superintendent Saiful Bahari Yunus was arrested along with several of his subordinates on suspicion of supplying drugs to their informant in Kedah. However, he, known as 'Shadow', claimed to have been mistreated by another ASP officer from the Narcotics branch (who was later charged in court for being involved in corruption). Shadow was then arrested under Section 3(1) of the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985, imprisoned at Simpang Renggam Prison for two years before receiving a new order, namely a suspended detention order and being sent to Tebrau subdistrict, JB to serve a restricted sentence. He was also fitted with an electronic monitoring device (EMD) on his leg until the restriction period expired recently. Follow the story of the struggle of a man who has received various certificates of commendation and bravery from the PDRM for being involved in various battles with these criminals in an effort to clear his tarnished good name.