On December 25th, an interview with Downtown's Matsumoto Hitoshi, who has been on hiatus since January this year, was published on Yahoo!News. In the interview, Matsumoto said that he made a comprehensive decision to withdraw the lawsuit in November this year, taking into consideration the time it would take for the trial, his income during his hiatus, and his fans who were waiting for him. While the interview has been met with mixed reactions from people on the street, MBS interviewed entertainment journalist Nakanishi Masao, who interviewed Matsumoto and wrote the article. He told us what went on behind the scenes of the interview. Matsumoto, who is aiming to resume his activities next spring, kept talking about his feelings for his partner Hamada Masatoshi and his fans during the interview. ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and special features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #MBSNews #MainichiBroadcasting #MatsumotoHitoshi #Suspension #Court #Resumption #HamadaMasatoshi #NakanishiMasao #Yahoo!