Etla'ooli Barra Film Etla'ooli Barra Film Story: The film's events revolve around a person who lives in a popular neighborhood. One day, he finds a book called (Etla'ooli Barra), which talks about the existence of personalities within each individual. When this person reads it, a number of personalities emerge that control his life and decisions. Cast: Karim Mahmoud Abdel Aziz (Youssef) Khaled El Sawy (Kiki) Bayoumi Fouad (Kamal) Ahmed Fathy (Abu El Khair) Malak Qoura (Amina Kamal) Ashraf Abdel Baqi (Psychologist) Ehab Fahmy (Religion Teacher) Mohamed Nour (in his real character) Magdy El Beheiry (Sameh) Magda Mounir (The Accident Lady) Reem Abdel Qader (Amina in her childhood) Mona Magdy Ghandi Laura Ramzy Umm Rabab Islam Magdy (The Accident Police Officer) Written by Tarek El Amir Directed by Wael Ehsan