Ten years after Iveta Bartošová's suicide, Josef Rychtář returned to the dormitories where his wife's life ended. Rychtář gave an exclusive interview to Prima Ženy and the editorial staff of CNN Prima NEWS, where he again denied any wrongdoing. "I have a clear conscience," the widower said to the camera. Subscribe to the news of our news portal CNNPrima.cz and stay up to date. Every day, over 200 reporters and editors bring you the most important and interesting news from home and abroad. ✉️ https://cnn.iprima.cz/newsletter 📲 Follow CNN Prima NEWS on social networks: Facebook: / cnnprima Instagram: / cnnprima Twitter: / cnnprima 💻 Visit the CNN Prima NEWS website at https://cnnprima.cz #cnnprimanews # cnnprime