Actress and presenter Nina Bott liked to post pictures from her family life. Until one day she received an anonymous tip. Photos from her Instagram profile, on which her children could be seen, had appeared on the darknet. On a site used by pedophiles. Harmless pictures of her children were tagged with hashtags such as SexyKids or UglyBoy, along with disturbing comments. She immediately deleted all recognizable pictures from her Instagram account in which her children were openly shown. Unlike Nina Bott, many young people and parents do not know that images are stolen and misused from all over the internet. How big is this phenomenon really? Where do the images come from, where exactly do they end up, what happens to them there? We investigated these questions in a data research. Together with the ARD magazine PANORAMA, we started a complex experimental setup and, over several months, downloaded and analyzed data from forums, image boards and photo platforms used by pedophiles and pedophiles. You can find out more about the special legal challenges of this research here: https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendunge... The research at PANORAMA here: https://daserste.ndr.de/panorama/arch... The months-long and complex research began before the corona pandemic. This explains why the authors sometimes do not wear masks. A film by Pia Lenz, Robert Bongen, Benjamin Güldenring, Daniel Moßbrucker Camera: Lukas Augustin, Sven Giebel, Andrzej Król, Jan Littelmann, Henning Wirtz Editing: Claudia Qualmann, Jan Littelmann Mixing: Frank Albiker Graphics: Lars Dippel Editor: Lutz Ackermann #funk #bilderklau ______________ Every Tuesday Do you have suggestions for topics? Write to us: [email protected] Don't want to miss anything? Subscription: https://tinyurl.com/strg-f Twitter: / strg_f Instagram: / Facebook: / We are part of funk! More information is available at: YouTube: / funkofficial Web-App: https://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum