[Special Interview @ Linear and Railway Park] Sugai Shunki of QuizKnock, a knowledge group founded by the University of Tokyo, and Terai Motoaki, General Manager of JR Central's Linear Development Headquarters. Sugai, who majored in superconductivity at university, interviewed Terai, who is in charge of linear development, about his thoughts on the development of the superconducting linear and how it works. "The future created by the Superconducting Linear - Safely achieving a speed of 500km/h" 01:58 Development history of the Linear Motor Car (Superconducting Linear) 03:33 The speed of the Superconducting Linear (how it achieves a speed of 500km/h) 05:49 The mechanism of levitation (how it levitates and runs) 10:22 The necessity of superconductivity (why superconductivity was chosen) 12:09 High-temperature superconductivity 13:39 The mechanism of acceleration (how the vehicle is moved) 15:03 The safety, control mechanism, and benefits of introducing the Superconducting Linear 19:17 Contactless power supply to the car (inductive current collection), the effects of superconducting magnets on the human body 22:12 After the discussion------------------------- ■Related links "Linear Chuo Shinkansen website" https://linear-chuo-shinkansen.jr-cen... #QuizKnock #Sugai Shunki #Linear #LinearChuoShinkansen#SuperconductingLinear◆YouTube video "We rented out the Linear for just one question" here↓ • We rented out the Linear for just one question ◆Roundtable article "Tokyo to Osaka in 1 hour! QuizKnock members fantasize about the "future after the Linear" here↓ https://web.quizknock.com/linear-chuo...