■ Investment know-how Money Show 'Exchange rate situation check' - Jang Jae-cheol, advisory professor at KB Kookmin Bank The political situation continues to be chaotic, with even the impeachment of the president being discussed following the martial law. The whole world is paying attention to the situation in Korea. As political instability grows, the won is weakening. We will look into the exchange rate flow and the economy amidst the chaos. ◇ Money Show, a financial technology know-how show (Weekdays 8-10 AM) Go to the 〈Money Show, a Financial Technology Know-How show〉 homepage: https://bit.ly/3Db13Go [Money Show] #SBSBiz #SBS #Biz #MoneyShow #MoneyShow #Stocks #Investment #Finance #Economy #StockMarket #LeeJinWoo #LeeJungMin #JangJaeCheol #DomesticStockMarket #NewYorkStockMarket #OverseasStockMarket #KOSPI #KOSDAQ #NASDAQ #Dow #shorts #MartialLaw #YoonSeokYeol #NationalAssembly #RulingParty #OppositionParty #Impeachment #ExchangeRate #WonDollar #Fed #FOMC #Powell #Dollar #BankofKorea #MonetaryPolicyCommittee #LeeChangYong #Won #MinistryofLand,Infrastructure,andTransport #ChoiSangMok #LeeBokHyun #KimByungHwan #FinancialAuthorities #FinancialServicesCommittee #FinancialSupervisoryService #Trump #Tariffs #Semiconductors #SamsungElectronics #SKHynix #HBM #BankofAmerica #bofa #AmericanBank #CommercialBank #Loan #ForeignExchange #FinancialChairman #Industry #Construction #Apartment #Housing #ConstructionCost #Construction #RawMaterials #ReadyMixConcrete #Cement #Steel #Rebar #MaintenanceWorkplace #ConstructionCompany #Export #USExport #RealEconomy #Finance #DomesticDemand #Trump2ndTerm #USPresidentialElection #TrumpAdministration #Petrochemicals #Aviation #lcc #US #UK #NewZealand #DomesticTravel #ROKUSSummit #Trade #Consumption #Mart #Distribution #EatingOut #SelfEmployedIndustry #SelfEmployed #SmallBusinessOwners #EmptyRestaurants #Restaurants #Stores #AlleyCommercials #CandlelightRally #2016 #Tourists #Foreigners #DutyFreeIndustry #DutyFreeShops #MinistryofEconomyandFinance #OverseasInvestors #IndividualInvestors #Shipbuilding #Shipping #FinancialSupport #KoreaDiscount #ValueUpProject #ValueUp #BlackMonday #BlueWhale #NuclearPowerPlant #NuclearPower