Estudar Fora is back with its monthly list of scholarships for you to carry out your exchange! ✈️ In this video, Deborah presents you with full scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies in several countries, such as: Australia: University of Technology Sydney (up to 100% discount!) ???????? https://www.estudarfora.org.br/bolsas... United Kingdom: Master's degree for women in STEM at University College London - ???????? https://www.estudarfora.org.br/como-e... Spain: Master's degree in journalistic and audiovisual production (MPXA) for Ibero-Americans ???????? https://www.estudarfora.org.br/mestra... ⏰ Hurry, applications are open! ** Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications so you don't miss any more opportunities! ** #studyabroad #scholarships #exchange #undergraduate #postgraduate #australia #united #kingdom #spain ???? Check out our newsletter to stay up to date with everything you need to know to study abroad! https://materiais.napratica.org.br/fo... ???? Subscribe to the channel to receive more content about scholarships abroad, universities, exchanges, study tips and much more ;) / estudoforabr ???? Follow the Estudar Fora portal: https://www.estudarfora.org.br/ ???? Follow our social networks: Facebook: / estudofora Instagram: / estudofora Linkedin: / fundacaoestudar Don't forget that Estudar Fora is one of the initiatives of Fundação Estudar, an organization that contributes to the formation of future leaders in Brazil by encouraging excellent academic experiences and supporting the personal and professional development of young people. To learn more about our other initiatives, click here: http://estudar.org.br/