They are the equations, formulas and dollars in Excel and the most commonly used and common for accountants and administrators, as we talked about 20 equations that make you an expert in the Excel program and they are detailed in the video according to these axes: 00:00 Introduction. 00:20 SUM function 01:00 AVARAGE function 01:52 MAX function for highest value 02:37 MIN function for lowest value 03:12 COUNT function for count 03:39 COUNTA function for filled cells 04:24 Status bar 06:03 COUNTBLANK function for counting empty cells 06:49 LARGE function for highest value in order 07:47 SMALL function for lowest value in order 08:22 Arithmetic operations 09:22 ROUND function for rounding 11:03 RANK function for order 12:10 IF function for condition 13:47 CONCATENATE function for summing text 15:10 LEN function for counting characters 15:57 LEFT function for displaying characters from the left 16:52 RIGHT function for displaying characters from the left 17:32 SUMIF function Conditional addition 19:09 COUNTIF Conditional number function 20:09 VLOOKUP To download the file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tvqbpx...