NEW: Link to the free manual for my channel. To prepare you even better for your high school diploma and the next exam, I have presented an overview of all previous tutorials for you over the last few weeks. Under this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkAMy2xR6yAghpYOs... you will find a one-drive folder in which I provide you with these PDFs, which should give you a little more overview of my tutorials and make working with them easier. You can find out how to use this manual in this tutorial: • 15 points in your high school diploma in biology - so... In the area of evolution, you can only achieve very good results in exams if you are confident with the vocabulary / technical terms or keywords. This is the only way you will be able to make precise statements. This tutorial therefore lays the foundation for all other application tasks in the area of evolution, which can be found in the playlist. Here are the most important terms again at a glance: geographical, sexual and ecological isolation; mutation; recombination; variability; Genetic drift through founder effect and bottleneck effect, stabilizing, disruptive, transforming selection; also selection pressure, gene pool and allele frequency in ecological isolation, the concept of the biological niche is considered above all. This includes not only the spatial distribution but also many other aspects, such as the type of food. Individuals of the same species can gradually specialize in different foods, for example, and certain adaptations (e.g. beak shape = see Darwin finches) then show advantages over other individuals and are selected out...