The universe is vast and no matter where we move our telescopes, we always find something to observe. However, to our great surprise, there is a region in the universe of nearly 2 billion light years where there is nothing but blackness. No galaxies, no stars, no planets, just the big nothing. According to speculation, this discovery could be evidence of the existence of another universe. The formation and nature of such large voids are still a mystery. According to one theory, their formation may be related to the early evolution of the universe, where interactions and mergers between the formation of the first galaxies and galaxy clusters may have resulted in a lower galaxy density in some areas. According to another theory, larger-scale gravitational effects and the spatial distribution of dark energy may play a role in the formation of such voids. Evidence May Have Been Found for the Existence of Another Universe ❗ Shocking Universe Facts Music: The Sky is on Fire - Ambient Music 0:00 Multiverse 0:59 Ringed Asteroid 1:27 NGTS-1b 1:49 Dark Energy 2:25 Icarus 9 Billion Light Years Away 3:06 Halley's Comet 3:31 Venus and Jupiter 4:11 Supernova Explosion 4:40 The Next Time This Will Happen in May 2492 5:19 Red Ghosts 6:48 Very Important Discovery 7:44 Earth's Rotation Is Constantly Slowing Down #huniverzum #universe #shokoldazagyad