???? Today we are going to define point by point everything you should take into account when creating a memorable melody that has meaning and its own personality. We will talk about whether to create the harmony or the melody first, how to make a coherent melodic curve and take advantage of climaxes, and how to create a rhythm and a form that enhances your melodies. ???? Composing melodies from harmony: • Composing Melodies from the Notes... ???? Melodic structures: • More Coherent melodies ???? Phrase, Sentence... ???? Basic exercise to create melodies: • How to CREATE MELODIES (melodic exercise... ???? If you are not clear about THE BASES OF MUSICAL THEORY AND HARMONY, start today, and for FREE!: https://cresciente.net/libro-gratis-t... ???? The COMPLETE PATH to become a BETTER COMPOSER: https://cresciente.net/membresia-curs... ???? Are you interested in getting started in a didactic way in reading and writing? We have a free course for you: https://cresciente.net/curso-gratis-l... 00:00 Introduction 01:19 Which comes first, melody or harmony? 02:37 Types of melody – the issue of character 04:50 Does the scale matter that much? 05:33 Melodic contour and handling climaxes 08:08 Don’t confuse tonality! 10:04 The pillars of melody: base melody 15:14 Rhythm in melody 16:43 How to continue the melody: Melodic structures 18:55 Closing