We often forget that accidents are most often due to human error. This video is an extensive summary of how airplanes work to understand the most typical fatal accident in general aviation. Credits: 6988kid: • Beechcraft Queen Air Stall and Crash Cory Jeacocke: • 20 turn fully developed spin in a Rob... Link to my book????????????????????: Amazon Spain: https://amzn.to/3P12FIb Amazon general: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGZ1JG11 Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CGZ1JG11 Video link about the downing of the commercial plane: • The Mystery of the downing of Commercial Airp... You can always support this channel by joining the channel members option, where from now on we will do exclusive live broadcasts answering your questions. ►Another way to contribute to the channel: https://www.paypal.me/sergiohidalgoaero ►Secondary Channel: /channel (c) Sergio Hidalgo, 2022, Madrid. Reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, making available, transformation, and any reuse of the work and audiovisual production without the prior express written authorization of the copyright holder are strictly prohibited.