One of the great unknowns for many is the Histogram. Well, in this tutorial I explain all the options it has, how to interpret it and its use. ♦︎ Unlimited downloads of +18 million resources with a 50% discount on an annual subscription: https://bit.ly/3sQ2FBb ♦︎ Join the Channel Members community and enjoy the benefits: / tripiyon ♦︎ Tripiyon Store Tutorials: https://bit.ly/3uGBk2G ♦︎ RELATED TUTORIALS How to create the High Key effect with Photoshop: • How to create the High Key or “Hi... How to create the Low Key effect with Photoshop: • How to create the Low Key or “Lo... ♦︎ Techniques used: Knowing the Histogram. Interpreting the Histogram. Using the Histogram. I'll start by making a brief introduction in which we can see the different histograms that we would have depending on whether the photograph is underexposed, overexposed or with a correct exposure. Next I show all the options that the Histogram panel has, giving a description of each of them. Finally, I will show how to use the histogram and how to interpret it when we are making adjustments to our photographs. ♦︎ Free resources at: http://bit.ly/2kSVM1J ♦︎ More than 625 free tutorials: http://bit.ly/2vGTuIf ♦︎ Adobe ACA Certificate: Adobe® Certified Associate in Visual Communication using Adobe® Photoshop™. #TripiyonTutorials Everything you need to know about the Histogram in Photoshop