The process on disciplinary dismissals (articles 103 to 113 of Law 36/2011, regulating social jurisdiction (LRJS)) applies to the challenge of business decisions on contract termination with the necessary specialities, without prejudice to the provisions for processes arising from the termination of the employment contract for objective reasons (article 120, LRJS)) and the substantive consequences of each type of contract termination. The employee may file a claim against the dismissal within 20 (twenty) business days following the date on which it occurred. This period shall expire for all purposes and Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays at the headquarters of the court shall not be taken into account for the calculation of the period (art. 103.1, LRJS). On the other hand, the month of August and the days between December 24 and January 6 of the following year, both inclusive, shall be working days in accordance with art. 43.4, LRJS. The company's decision to make a collective dismissal may be challenged by the legal representatives of the workers through the process provided for in article 124 of Law 36/2011, of October 10, regulating social jurisdiction. The legitimation of the workers' representatives is intended to allow a homogeneous solution to be given to all workers affected by the collective dismissal. The aforementioned company decision may also be challenged by union representatives, but in these cases they must have sufficient implementation in the field of collective dismissal. For these purposes, unions are entitled to take action in proceedings in which the collective interests of workers are at stake, provided that they have "sufficient presence" in the area of the conflict, which is nothing other than the proven link between the organisation taking action and the claim made. Let's watch the video.