Everything ends. There is nothing fixed or permanent - Zen Moment with Monja Coen HumaniAmor and Otávio Leal (Dhyan Prem) with Larissa Ananda train therapists with PASSION, LOVE and SUCCESS. Tantric Therapists, Shamans, Radiesthesists, Reiki Practitioners, Astrologers, among other qualified professionals. Here Yoga is taught in a blessed way by your teacher Juliana Araújo and team. We also offer training in Rebirth and Ayurvedic Therapy. We defend ideals of ecology and respect for nature, we love animals and we work to train people connected with the sacred and committed to the planet. This is Otávio Leal's NEW SCHOOL! Be part of this SANCTUARY OF LOVE and THERAPIES and become someone with a bold, inventive and purposeful soul. ⇨ Check out our NEXT TRAININGS here: https://www.humaniamor.com.br/calenda... ⇨ Visit to learn about our ONLINE COURSES: https://www.humaniamor.com.br/cursos-... ☎ (11) 98366-0100 (11) 5055-0880 ⇨ Satsang on Saturdays at 6pm with Otávio Leal at HumaniAmor. Find out more via WhatsApp! Love of Love and even more Love to You.