The easiest way to make this katmer is to make a wire-wire katmer without yeast in a pan. Everyone was amazed by the ones who ate it. They asked for the recipe. I have prepared a recipe for katmer without yeast in a pan. You can make it for your breakfasts and tea times. If you are looking for an easy katmer recipe, this recipe is just for you. A katmer recipe that everyone can easily make without a rolling pin or roller. If you are wondering how to make katmer without yeast, you can watch my video ???? The ingredients required for the katmer recipe are a glass of first milk. 1.5 glasses of warm water. 5 glasses of flour control. Add a teaspoon of salt. NOTE: I used 200 milliliters of water. If you want to try it, please watch the entire video. There are points, do not miss them. For the middle layer, 100 g of butter or margarine. Half a tea glass of liquid oil asmr #sugar_and_salty #trending #katmer #shortsyoutube. How to make katmer? It is better to make it in a pan with the simplest method. dem Rezept. I'm glad you're ready to take a look at this. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem einfachen Rezept sind Katmer-Rezept, das ist genau das richtige Rezept für dich. Ein Katmer-Rezept, das jeder ganz einfach ohne Nudelholz oder Nudelholz zubereiten kann. Wie man Katmer ohne Hefe macht. Wenn du neugierig bist, kannst du dir mein Video ansehen ???? Benötigte Zutaten für das Katmer-Rezept etwas Wasser, ein Glas Erstmilch 1,5 Tassen warmes Wasser Fügen Sie 5 Tassen Mehl hinzu ein Teelöffel Salz NOTEZ: Ich habe ein Wasserglas mit einer Größe von 200 Milli Litern verwendet Wenn Sie es ausprobieren möchten, schauen Sie sich bitte das gesamte Video an. Es gibt Punkte, verpassen Sie es nicht für Zwischenboden 100 g Butter oder Margarine ein halbes Teeglas Öl asmr #sugar_and_salty #sugar_and_salty #trending #katmer #shortsyoutube Making this katmer without yeast in a pan with the simplest method, everyone was amazed and asked for the recipe. I prepared a recipe for unleavened katmer in a pan that you can have for your breakfasts and tea time. If you are looking for an easy katmer recipe, this is exactly the recipe for you. A katmer recipe that everyone can easily make without a rolling pin or rolling pin. How to make katmer without yeast. If you are curious, you can watch my video ???? ingredients needed for katmer recipe bit of water glass of first milk 1.5 cups of warm water Add 5 cups flour control a teaspoon of salt NOTE: I used water glass size is 200 milliliters If you want to try it, please watch the entire video, there are points, do not miss it for intermediate floor 100 g butter or margarine half a tea glass of oil asmr #sugar_and_salty #sugar_and_salty # trending #katmer #shortsyoutube وطلبوا الوصفة لقد قمت بتحضير وصفة كاتمر فطير في مقلاة يمكنك تناوله That's it, that's it, that's it. ذه هي الوصفة المناسبة لك بالضبط وصفة القطمر يمكن لأي شخص أن يصنعها بسهول I'm sorry I'm sorry مشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي ???? المكونات اللازمة لوصفة القطمر كوب ماء م 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ة من الملح ملحوظة: استخدمت كوب ماء حجمه 200 ملي اذا اردت تجربته يرجى مشاهدة 100 جرام زبدة أو سمن نصف ك وب شاي زيت asmr #sugar_and_salty #sugar_and_salty #trending #katmer #shortsyoutube