#anime #animestoryline #filmstoryline Title: The Daily Life of the Immortal King S3 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mythology, School Episode: 12 Synopsis Wang Ling is a high school student with a quiet attitude. Appearing as someone with very low spiritual power, but actually has the power to destroy the world in an instant. To reduce the fluctuating power within him, his parents were forced to use a talisman as a temporary solution. However, the talisman weakened over time and Wang Ling's emotions also accelerated its damage. Now that the talisman is almost broken, Wang Ling and his father are racing against time to fix it. List Season 1. 2. • SECRETLY AS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD ... 3. • EVERYONE IS SURPRISED BY HER POWER... Update booster ???? -------------------------------------------------- Those who want to donate snacks -} https://saweria.co/darkyasha Treat me to coffee here -} https://trakteer.id/darkyasha/tip ------------------------------------------------- Discussing everything from anime, LN, WN, Manga, Manhwa, Manhua, and Donghua. Thank you for stopping by this channel, I hope you can support this channel by pressing the like, comment, and subscribe buttons and don't forget to share it with your friends. Thanks.