The Bincang Transformasi Webinar activity is a form of collaboration between the Ministry of Finance with Ministries/Agencies and Regional Governments in order to share knowledge about digital transformation. This activity is expected to inspire and motivate other Ministries/Agencies and Regional Governments in implementing Bureaucratic Reform and improving business processes and services in their respective work units. Please submit questions via Slido at the link: https://sli.do/BincangTransformasi by including the Name - origin of agency/job (Example: Diana - DKI Jakarta Provincial Government). The questions that will be read by the moderator are only questions that include this format. Please take the time to fill out the survey at the link: https://www.kemenkeu.go.id/surveiwebinar. Input and opinions will help us improve the communication activities that we carry out. Thank you. The speakers' materials can be downloaded at the link: https://bit.ly/MateriBincangTransformasi