For all those who are still looking for the right apprenticeship: here is an article that could help make the decision to train as an event technology specialist at b&b easier. We asked our trainees what they can report. But just see for yourself. #training #eventtechnology #eventconstruction #retail #rentalfurniture #livecommunication https://www.bb-et.de https://www.gate22.de https://www.aumovis.com b&b eventtechnik GmbH Mercedesstraße 7 70794 Filderstadt b&b digital GmbH Bahnhofstraße 86 70794 Filderstadt b&b extend GmbH Mercedesstraße 7 70794 Filderstadt T 07158/980978-0 F 07158/980978-20 E [email protected]