Daily EVENING Prayer - May this evening or night prayer bring you peace and comfort. Lord stay with me, do not leave me day or night, I have only You. Powerful prayer to sleep in peace and to find peace - Prayer of Gratitude, THANK YOU LORD for this day - Guided Meditation to sleep well - Live prayer 24/7 Catholic Christian - Evening prayer or night prayer to thank God before sleeping Donate (PayPal) ►https://urlz.fr/fhpL THANK YOU for your generosity God be blessed! Blessed be his holy Name! Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man! Blessed be the Name of Jesus! Blessed be his divine Heart! Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar! Blessed be the august Mother of God, the most Holy Virgin Mary! Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste Spouse! Blessed be God in his Angels and in his Saints! #eveningprayer #comelordjesus #eveningprayer