EVEN THOUGH THERE WERE ALREADY LOTS OF FISH ON THE BOAT SUDDENLY WE GOT EVEN MORE!! Bismillah.. Assalamualaikum wr wb Today we returned to the river.. Mr. Panung and I heard news from a friend that the Selangat fish were rising.. we immediately headed to the hidden mullet spots.. Before harvesting the Selangat fish, we actually harvested quite a lot of blowfish and mullet.. the boat was already filled with fish! Suddenly we got another group of fish.. what extraordinary fortune to be able to get so many fish! Alhamdulillah Enjoy watching friends, hopefully entertaining.. Greetings of success and always be healthy Wassalam.. #agussbl #agussblterbaru #netting #memukat #IkanSelangat #ikansumpit #ikanmullet #berau