[Original stream archive] Live streamed on 2021/03/25 [Reading the air. 3] YouTube-kun read the air ☆ [HoloLive/Inugami Korone] • [Reading the air. 3] YouTube-kun read the air ☆ [HoloLive/Inugami Korone] [Reading the air. 3] YouTube-kun read the air ☆ [HoloLive/Inugami Korone] • [Reading the air. 3] YouTube-kun read the air ☆ [HoloLive/Inugami Korone] Inugami Korone YouTube ▶ / @inugamikorone Twitter ▶ / inugamikorone Membership / @inugamikorone Koromon T-shirts on sale now! → https://booth.pm/ja/items/1908655 Korone's original song is now available ☆ → https://korone.streamlink.to/WANDERFUL BGM used: Nagumorizu's music room Sound effects: OtoLogic The above may not be used #InugamiKorone #IkugamiMonzaemon #HoloLiveClip