-------------------------- Schedule -------------------------- ------ MORNING 7:30 am - Start and general instructions for the test 8:00 am - Computer Science, with Prof. Jefferson 9:30 am - General Knowledge, with Prof. Cleber 11:00 am - Code of Ethics, with Prof. Lucas (the Cousin) 12:00 pm - Break ----- AFTERNOON 1:00 pm - Portuguese Language, with Prof. Kássia 3:00 pm - Math, with Prof. Lucas (the Cousin) 5:00 pm - Closing Follow here the main topics that will be on your test next Sunday. The entire Primo Concursos Correios team live to help you remember everything you studied. Sign up for the Unlocking the Safe event: primoconcursos.com/destravando-o-cofre About the channel: My name is Lucas Guimarães and I was approved in first place in the INSS exam in 2016, with 110 points in the Cebraspe exam. I have also taken other exams, some approved, others failed. I have been where you are and I know what it is like to suffer on the journey of a public exam candidate, which is very lonely at times. Now I want to help other public exam candidates, forming a strong and supportive community here on YouTube. I NEED YOU to be with me in this family! Let's go?