Watch the entire series at https://rd.nl/orgelrijk Evan Bogerd (31) has been involved with music since he was little. His father, Rev. K. Bogerd, is “a harmonium freak” and his love of music was instilled in him from an early age. Evan went to the conservatory in The Hague at the age of 19 and is now cantor-organist at the Westerkerk in Amsterdam. What drives him in his work and how does his position as church organist relate to his life of faith? In this video, presenter Robert Jansema visits Evan at the Westerkerk in Amsterdam. They discuss Evan's introduction to music, the road to the conservatory and his experiences as a professional musician. “When I started taking lessons from Jos van der Kooy at one point, a whole new world opened up for me. He made me look beyond the world of organs and introduced me to other music, for example in the Concertgebouw.” In addition, Evan tells us about his experience of accompanying church services. “Playing the organ is a profession that you have to practice. Sometimes that profession touches something special, on Sunday morning for example. When I choose music to play in the church service on Sunday, I play it differently than when I perform it during a concert. In the church service, the music touches my faith. I am a rational person and I actually only believe with my head. For example, I want to know how I can explain things. But with music, the bit of faith and heart comes into it.” Specifications organ: Builder: Duyschot / Vater Year of construction: 1686 / 1727 Disposition: Hoofdwerk Prestant 16 Octaaf 8 Quint-adeen (8) Octaaf 4 Nasaet (3) Superoctaf 2 Mixtuur Linkerh.+ Regterh. (IV-VII 1′) Scharp Lefth.+ Righth. (IV-VII 1′) Sesquialter (III-IV D) Bassoon (16) Trumpet 8 Backwork Principal 8 Hollowpipe 8 Quintadeen 8 Octave 4 Open flute 4 Octave 2 Sifflet 1 Mixture III-VIII 2′ Scharp III-VIII 1′ Sharp IV 1 3/5 Sesquialter II-III Trumpet (8) Tramblant Tremulant for entire organ Upper Prestant 8 Baarpyp (8) Quintadeen 8 Octave (4) Hollow Flute 4 Quint (3) Wood Flute 2 Noise Pipe III-VI 2′ Tertian (II-III) Dolceaan. (8) Vox Humana 8 Tremblant Pedal Bordon (16) Prestant 8 Roer-Quint (6) Octaaf 4 Bazuin 16 Trumpet 8 Trumpet 4 Download the RDapp for free: https://app.adjust.com/wv9by2v_10alci6g -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out one of our other series here: RD Actueel: https://rd.nl/rda OrgelRijk: https://rd.nl/orgelrijk Depth of field: https://rd.nl/sa Back to the cradle: https://rd.nl/tndw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the channel of the Reformatorisch Dagblad! The Reformatorisch Dagblad is a national Christian newspaper, founded in 1971. The newspaper distinguishes itself from other newspapers by paying extensive attention to Christian and church news. There is also relatively much attention for local news. And so also on this YouTube channel. On our YouTube channel we bring personal stories and background stories to the news. But not only that, because you will also find series such as Scherptegrond, political items, human interest stories and music. We do all this from our Christian perspective. Subscribe to our channel for free for more news from the Christian perspective. Do you have any good ideas about topics that we can cover? We would love to see them in the comments! Read more from the RD here Website: https://bit.ly/RDwebsite Receive newsletter: https://bit.ly/RDnieuwsbrieven Are you also following us on Instagram and Facebook? Instagram: https://bit.ly/RD-instagram Facebook: https://bit.ly/RD-facebook #RD #muziek #orgel #duyschot #amsterdam #improvisatie