Two wide body types, the development of which took place in parallel. One was intended as a competitor to the Boeing 747 Jumbo. Four gears, elegant lines, large capacity, huge range. In the end, the Airbus A340 did not have as great a career as its twin-engine, smaller brother, the A330. How were the iconic European large planes of the 90s created, which contributed to the relegation of types such as the DC-10? How did the 330 beat the four-wheel drive? What innovations did the Airbus A330 bring? How many versions has it been produced in recent years? Where has the classic horn steering wheel gone from the cockpit, how does the fly-by-wire system work? After the Super Guppies, what special Airbus helped the European manufacturer's everyday operations? More stories from Toulouse. (Editor: Balázs Kránitz) If you would like to support the rebirth of the airplanes on display in the Aeropark: Donation by bank transfer: 10101360-03379200-01003004 Air Transport Cultural Center Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Please write: donation in the comments section) More information here: www.aeropark.hu